Fine Motor Play
Age-Appropriate Learning
Discovery of Nature
Fine Motor Play • Music • Age-Appropriate Learning • Discovery of Nature •
Rocking Horse Ranch Preschool, located on two beautiful acres in Soquel, is a play-based school that offers kids space to explore. We've got gardens, fruit trees, swings and sandboxes... we've got a zip-line and outdoor stage, a ninja course and bike track! For 35 years, kids have been learning ABC's and 1,2,3's as well how to be a good and kind human being.

Meet Our Teachers
The teachers at Rocking Horse Ranch truly trust that each child will successfully move through their pre-kindergarten stages of development if they are in an atmosphere of support and stimulation. They give children the opportunity to feel successful at whatever they attempt. With each accomplishment, children gain more and more confidence to tackle more and more challenges.